Friday, February 27, 2009

February Happenings

We have had a fun month around here.

There's been lots of painting ... by the boy:

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.... and the girl:

who, by the way, is wearing what has to be her favorite shirt STILL - she is frequently showing her support for him.

                        feb.27 001

We built a log cabin on Presidents Day (is that supposed to have an apostrophe or not?)

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And because we are fresh out of Abraham Lincoln action figures, it has become a Lego prop .... hours have been spent in this log cabin people:

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We made some Red Velvet Valentine cupcakes and iced them with pink ... YUM!

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Bubby's Basketball season came to and end. We had a great time at the end of the season party where Bubby got to hang out with WHK.

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And where he also got to meet these guys and get their autographs:

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FYI: He was much more excited to meet them than these pictures suggest!

And last but not least, here is how Jenni spends her afternoons. Apparently she doesn't find reading as exciting as we do!

                               feb.27 020

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