Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Building Olympus Mons

Bubby finished up his study of Mars last week with a project. He was anticipating building his Olympus Mons model for DAYS.

A Salt Dough model, some baking soda, dish soap, vinegar and red food coloring and here we have it:

jan.21.09 001 jan.21.09 002

jan.21.09 003  jan.21.09 006 jan.21.09 005  jan.21.09 004

jan.21.09 007  jan.21.09 008

jan.21.09 009 

He decided towards the end that the lava wasn't red enough. He added some more food coloring and here is what he got:

 jan.21.09 010 jan.21.09 011

Quite honestly, it looked a bit like a crime scene by the end. =)

His review: "That was the most funnest thing I ever did in all of my life!" Yep .... off to work on grammar! =)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Bubby and Random Math

Bubby often tells us some random math fact .... like while driving in the car he'll say, "Hey Mom, did you know if you add those 2 signs together you get 42?", or something like that.

Today, it went like this:

"Hey Mom, did you know our family is 93?"

I'm thinking ..... er, how is our family 93? I couldn't figure out where he was coming from. I think he could tell by my speechlessness I wasn't going to get it.

"Yeah Mom,see:
Daddy __
+ Mommy __
+ Fancy 12
+ Me 9

= 93

Yeah .... makes perfect sense.

This boys mind works in the strangest way. =)

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Bit of Paint Can Make it All Better

With Bubby, any amount of writing is just plain TOO MUCH. It is really the only battle we have. He hates to have to pick up a pencil. Period.

Why this never came to me sooner, I don't know, but I have recently started letting him paint some of his assignments. Yep ..... anything. He even has painted his math facts a time or two.

Today, he needed to make the title page for his chapter on Mars in his Science notebook.  After a long morning of copywork, language arts worksheets, and math work, I knew I might be in for a meltdown. I decided to be proactive. I pulled out the paints and the science notebook and he happily worked away.

I wish I would have thought of this A LOT sooner. =)

jan.12.08 001 jan.12.08 002

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Random January Happenings

Making "Fossils"

 jan.5.08 003

 jan.5.08 004

 jan.5.08 006

jan.5.08 007

jan.5.08 008

jan.5.08 001

jan.5.08 002

jan.5.08 014

 jan.5.08 015

Icicles (I use the term loosely .... but they WERE frozen)

jan.5.08 005

Thursday, January 8, 2009