Monday, September 22, 2008

Back From Walt Disney World

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Thanks Nanny and PaPaw for a GREAT week in Orlando!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Fun Times

Here are some finds from a long walk the other night:

sep.12.08 001

Fancy had fun cleaning this cob:

sep.12.08 002

Here is Bubby (fresh from an after walk shower) with the finished product:

sep.12.08 003

Bubby "invented" a metal detector today. He cracks me up. He took two drumsticks (well-worn ones at that) and banded some magnets to them. He walked around "detecting" what was metal and what was not. This entertained him for a LOOONG time.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More Science

Bubby is continuing his astronomy studies. We started with a unit on the Solar System in general. Next was a couple of weeks of studying the Sun. We have spent the last two weeks learning about the planet closest to the sun: Mercury.

Here is his dusty surface of Mercury (a.k.a. flour)

He dropped meteors (a.k.a. rocks) onto the surface to create craters like the ones on the surface of Mercury.
Here is his finished product:

Next, he added salt, oil, and water to form the surface into a more life like planet. While we were at it we discussed fractions while we measured out the ingredients. He is just young enough that he doesn't realize I am "making" him do math yet. Fancy is onto me. She groans everytime I try to work in a fraction lesson in the kitchen!Finally, he used the rocks to create craters on it's surface. Mercury is now sitting in our kitchen window to dry. I'm not too sure what in the world we will do with it after that. =)

He is quite proud of himself!

That's One Happy Kid

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Worry .......

As the weather gets nicer and Fancy and Bubby spend more and more time outside, our Chihuahua (ish) dog, Pedro (we thought he was a Chihuahua until he grew those LEGS!) .... anyway ..... Pedro spends more and more time in the front window SO worried about them. He just sits and whines. He repeatedly looks at me as if to say, "Are you just going to sit there and let them run and play outside? It's dangerous out there. I should be out there to protect them!".

He is so darn cute.

Pedro, you should heed the words:
"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"(Matthew 6:27)
...... for the record, I could benefit from heeding those words as well.

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

More Science (and art) Fun ............

Today we did a few experiments relating to the surface tension of water. Fancy had to try different items to see how/if they affected the surface tension of water. To demonstrate the results, she had to coat a bowl of water with a fine layer of pepper. The experiment proved to be so "cool" it was repeated MULTIPLE times. Bubby even insisted on a few tries.

Here are some pics ....

...... and a video (the first I have ever posted)

As you will see/hear in the video, we joked that we got art done today DURING science.

The last part of our school day involved Bubby and I planting some flowers out front. We were quite thankful for the cooler weather (for you Non-Texans it was almost like Fall .... only 85 degrees and WINDY - see the birdhouse?).

He took a picture for me so I could "put in on the blog" .... so here you go!

We planted 15 Chrysanthemums .... which is hard to tell in this picture. I just had to say that so you would all know how much my back is hurting! =)