Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Can I count this as Nature Study?

We had two encounters with "God's Creatures" last week. I am calling them that only to sound good. They both gave me a SERIOUS case of the creeps and after a short photo shoot I had to call in my hero to save me from them. =)

This spider was atleast the size of a half dollar and stood QUITE tall! I was NOT happy to see him crawling across my living room floor! I can't imagine why these pics are so blurry ... could have been the movement of the camera with the shaking of my hands? Hmmm......

A couple of days later, Bubby discovered this frog in my parents back yard. Both kids tried to get up the guts to catch him in the pitcher to get a close look. They both individually decided it was kinder to the frog to watch him from a distance. I'm sure it wasn't because either of them had the heebie-jeebies or anything!

After the kids thoroughly examined and photographed them, we tried looking them up in this book:

But honestly had more success at possible identifications online.
We're confident we had a Wolf Spider (Lycosa rabida) on our hands and were quite intrigued to learn that they carry their babies on their backs .... HUNDREDS of babies! GROSS! NEAT!

We never came to an official decision on the frog.

Regardless, it was fun ..... SORT OF!

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