Monday, July 23, 2007


So, you know how kids can be SO different ?? I mean from eachother ..... and I guess different in general too. haha

Anyway, whenever Fancy would have a loose tooth, she would work it and work it for about 2 days and finally just yank it with lots of gum tissue still attached. There would always be much bloodloss. She just couln't wait for the tooth fairy. It was like that tooth was "burning a hole in her pocket" so to speak.

Well, not Bubby. He has had his first loose tooth for over 6 months now. Lately, it has literally been hanging by a thread. It has gotten to the point where when he talks, it dangles. Ewww. So, FINALLY last night he let Daddy pull it out. I was SHOCKED that he allowed this to take place as I was at work and not here to save the day. Apparently, there wasn't even a single tear.

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