Tuesday, December 2, 2008

O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree

So, we got the tree all decorated yesterday.

Wanna see?

dec.2.08 001

Uh - Oh .... here is a better view:

dec.2.08 002

Yeah, um ... I told The Husband (maybe more than once) that it was a bit crooked. First he said it was fine .. it was straight. Then he said it was as straight as it could be.

Of course I totally decided to go with what he said .... or I took it upon myself to crawl under there behind his back to try to fix it .... one or the other.

The details don't really matter do they? Anyway, now we have our first ever horizontal tree. It's the latest trend. Come on people, you know you are coveting my style!

Yep, The Husband is going to look for a new stand (which cracked into more than a few pieces) while he is at work today.

Gotta love him .... he just laughed yesterday and kissed me on the forehead when he came in and found my "adjustment".

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