Monday, November 3, 2008

The "Boy Room"

So, we moved. And a big dilemma in the move was finding a place to house the "boy stuff". Drums, guitars, amp, stereo, weight bench (can you sense the testosterone here people?).

Anyway, we found a great house with a PERFECT room for school. Well, it was also the only option for the boys' stuff so they won. I still have a pretty great school room.

Without further ado, I present "THE BOY ROOM".

nov.3.08 004  nov.3.08 005nov.3.08 006 nov.3.08 008 nov.3.08 010

Okay, so you see those broken drumheads on the wall? And the busted up sticks in the container on the speaker? (You may have to click on them to enlarge to get a good look.) These are all products of Bubby's rock sessions and he is QUITE proud of them. So proud that we just HAVE to keep them and DISPLAY them. Good thing for him that he is so stinkin' cute because I am not a fan of displaying them.

He decided to name that wall one morning (while I was clearly not paying enough attention) ... here is what happened (the sunlight wasn't cooperating much):

nov.3.08 009


I love that kid!

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