Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Day at the Lake

We are lucky enough to have some friends that have a nice boat and are friendly enough to loan it to us on occasion. Thursday was one of those days.

The day started out with thunderstorms and The Husband and I were pretty sure the lake plans were going to have to be cancelled. We dropped the kids off at VBS, went out to breakfast, did some shopping at Target, took my car in for service and new tires .... all the while feeling quite sad about the rain. By about 11am it was time to head over to pick up the kids and the weather seemed to be letting up a bit. We went on in to the church and spent about an hour watching the end of the VBS fun. When we walked out of the church at 12:30 it was the MOST glorious day!

We rushed home, packed a cooler and changed clothes, then headed to the lake and prayed the weather would hold up.

It turned out to be better than we could have hoped for. We hit the water by 1pm and didn't get back into the car until about 9. We are all sunburnt but it is well worth it!

The sky alone was so glorious I had to take some pictures of my view from the layout pad on the boat (YES .... I spent MOST of my time laying out with my iPod and/or a great book I'm reading by my favorite author/pastor).
Everyone (except me) took a turn at the wheel.
The kids enjoyed some swimming and tubing. We enjoyed cruising the shoreline looking at the shops, condos and houses. At the end of the day, we parked in the harbor for an outdoor lakeside concert. We had a long day of just us and then suddenly found ourselves surrounded by other boaters wanting to catch the music too. The people watching was quite interesting to say the least. The sunset cruise back to the marina where we were parked was a peaceful, perfect ending to a great day!

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

What a beautiful day on the lake! I'm so glad the weather cooperated!

AND... thank you for running to Target! ;) I posted the picture of the outfit today. It is just the cutest thing.

Love y'all!