Sunday, January 6, 2008

Back to School .... Off to Africa

I am spending the better part of today getting ready to start school back up tomorrow. The 7 week break for the holidays was great. I was afraid I would have a hard time getting back into the swing of things but I have been ready to get going since the day after Christmas. Maybe it is because this is my first year. I missed school. The kids are ready too .... not as much as Mom, but that's ok.

We will be studying Africa (with a focus on Kenya) in Geography for the next three weeks. Here are a few of the books we will read this week (we checked out more than 30 books on Kenya and Africa last week at the library). These story books are a bit young for Fancy, but she still gets a lot from them. We have several higher level books that benefit her a bit more.

We will also be reading this biography of David Livingstone:

We have read two others in this series this year and we are looking forward to this one. I'm sure it will be just as good as the others.

Of course we will get right back into Math, Language, Handwriting, Bible, Logic, Art, Music, Spelling, and Science as well. We will do 10 weeks before we enjoy "Spring Break". I have been spending quite a bit of time devoted to trying to decide if we will actually go anywhere this year. Last year, we went skiing in Colorado. It was a nice time.This year though, I think we might actually enjoy some warm weather. We shall see.
Enjoy your week,


Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed reading through your blog and seeing all the pictures of the kids. I have heard they are really growing and now I see! Wow, seems like yesterday we were awaiting Bubby's arrival. I admire you and your committment to homeschooling. You are incredible! I miss you so much.

Vickie said...

Wish I knew who said the above things. Hmmmm...... =)

Cyndi said...

What a great study! You know I am a fan of that topic. ;) During our study we became addicted to, where you can watch live streaming video of African animals (We bonded with some monkeys and enjoyed watching some sort of water buffalos getting a drink, oh- and a snake eating a frog. :)

We have always enjoyed David Livingstone, too.
