Monday, November 5, 2007

Wrapping up October

Last week we completed our study of France. We got off to a strong start as we knew we had plans later in the week that would keep us from "schoolwork". We completed almost all the week's work on Monday and Tuesday. The kids were very cooperative and diligent. I was proud of their stamina.

Wednesday, we had a fun Halloween. For the first time (not proud to admit), I decided to talk about it also being Reformation Day. We read about Martin Luther and then watched Luther (Fabulous by the way). Bubby found the movie a bit slow, but we endured until the end and it was a good learning opportunity. Plus .... what kid could complain about watching a movie, in our jammies no less, counting as school?
Funny thing .... Bubby stated after the movie was over that he thought he remembered previously learning about Martin Luther, but was apparently mistaken, because his memory from public school was that he was a "black guy". We had to straighten out the confusion of the whole ...... not KING JR. Cute.
The afternoon was spent wrapping up the week's lessons. It was a nice, calm, but productive day. The kind we all wish everyday was like in our homes.
Later that evening, the kids dressed up (Bubby was a skeleton and Fancy was a cavegirl) and Bubby and a Friend "Trick-or-Treated" for a bit. Unfortunately I have NO pictures because my camera batteries were D-E-A-D!! Fancy stayed home to hand out candy while The Husband and I had friends over for Pizza and a movie. We also made caramel apples with the kids. Funny thing .... the kids couldn't have cared less about making or eating them, but my friend and I enjoyed ourselves.... both in the making and eating process. Yummy.

Thursday morning, with new batteries in the camera, we headed out for a "field trip" with our homeschool group to see the play The Jungle Book put on by kids at an area Civic Theatre. Here is a picture of the cast afterwards in the lobby. I couldn't get my two to go over to have their picture made with them. Party Poopers !!

After the play, we all headed to lunch at a local McDonalds (Note ..... food -> ick BUT playplace for more than 20 kids under age 10 -> yippee!). We got lucky .... on a random Thursday morning, Ronald McDonald was there for no apparent reason. That was pretty fun for the littler kids. Bubby and his good friend "W" got their picture taken with him and even got his autograph. Fancy is NOWHERE to be seen in this picture as she has ALWAYS found clowns "creepy". She kept one eye on good ol' Ronald the whole time we were there. She had a nice time though, there were a lot of girls her age and they had a nice time chatting over burgers and fries.

Thursday evening was Bubby's last soccer game of the season. In the car in the parking lot, out came the front tooth. I snapped this picture right before we ran onto the field:

I got no pictures of the game, the team, or any other soccer type stuff. I had my camera with me (as proven above) but it stayed safely in my purse. OOPS.

Anyway, we are off to a good start this week with our study of Germany. I will post more later to bring you up to speed on that.

Have a great week !!

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

That looks like it was a fun field trip. We love going to plays!

Oh, how I love snaggle-tooth pictures... I'm so glad you were able to snap that one!

I'm looking forward to reading more about your study of Europe, too. :)